Motoarele electrice Talaria sunt recunoscute pentru fiabilitatea lor, însă ca orice echipament tehnologic, pot apărea erori tehnice din când în când. În acest articol, vom detalia cele mai comune coduri de eroare pe care le poți întâlni la motocicleta electrică Talaria și soluțiile rapide pentru a le rezolva. Dacă ești în căutarea unei metode simple de a diagnostica problemele și a menține vehiculul funcțional, acest ghid este pentru tine. Descoperă cum să interpretezi fiecare cod și să remediezi eficient orice defecțiune, economisind timp și bani!

 1 E01 00001 Protection IC error.The inner communication of the chip is disconnected. Re-start the bike.If the error code still show on the dash, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
 2 E02 00002Battery cell connection wire disconnected.The connect wire for cells are not well welded, cause the welding spot loose,fall off, or connection wire poor contact. Re-start the bike.If the error code still show on the dash, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
 3 E03 00003Voltage of battery cells are not balanced.The difference of battery cells is more than 500mV, this error code will display on the dash. Re-start the bike.If the error code still show on the dash, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
4E0400004Battery capacity measurement error.Don’t have this error for STING’s battery. Just a default setting error.
 5 E05 00005 Storage error. Record devices got failure. Re-start the bike.If the error code still show on the dash, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
 6 E06 00006 Time display error. Time device got failure. Re-start the bike.If the error code still show on the dash, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
 7 E07 00007 Discharge MOS error. Discharge circuit got failure Re-start the bike.If the error code still show on the dash, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
 8 E08 00008 Charge MOS error. Charge circuit got failure Re-start the bike.If the error code still show on the dash, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
  9  E09  00009  Over charge error.1.      Charging voltage is higher than single battery cell’s over charge protection voltage 4250mV.2.      Misinformation of BMS .  Re-start the bike.When this error code display on dash, will not affect the riding, but cannot charge. After the re-start, if the error code still display on dash, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
10E100000ALevel 1 over discharge error.The low battery caused the error codes display on dash.Users need to charge the battery immediately.
11E110000BLevel 2 over discharge error.
 12 E12 0000CLevel 1 over discharge current error.Battery discharge current is bigger than the level 1 over current value, and caused the over current protection function start to work.Stop the over current discharge or reduce the discharge current for 1 minute, the error will disappear automatically.If the error code still show on the dash, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
  13  E13  0000D Level 2 over discharge current error.Battery discharge current is bigger than the level 2 over current value, and caused the over current protection function start to work.Stop the over current discharge or control the discharge current ≤ 110A, or check whether there’s the short circuit? If yes, eliminate the short circuit.If the error code still show on the dash, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
  14  E14  0000E Over charge current error. Charging current is bigger than the protection charge current value. Check to see the charger is the right one to match the battery.If the battery is charged by Talaria stock charger, still show over charge current error, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
 15 E15 0000FSoftware start failure error.With load electric capacity to connect the battery, if the load electric capacity is too much, will cause the software start failure.Please follow the owner’s manual to turn on the powertrain and start the riding.
  16  E16  00010  Pre-charge time-out error. 1.      BMS failure.2.      Failure of the charger or the charger is not match with the battery.1.      If it’s caused by BMS failure, need to replace the BMS.2.      If it’s caused by the charger failure or unmatched charger, please replace the new correct charger. If the solution cannot solve the error, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
 17 E17 00020MOS temperature sensor failure error. MOSTemperature sensor failure. Re-start the bike.If the solution cannot solve the error, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
 18 E18 00030Battery cell temperature sensor failure error. Battery cell temperature sensor failure. Re-start the bike.If the solution cannot solve the error, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
19E1900040Battery discharge overheated error.When the battery pack is discharging, the battery pack inner temperature is overheated.Stop to ride the bike until the discharge overheat protection unlocked.It’s strongly suggested to use the bike follow the owner’s manual.
20E2000050Battery charge overheated error.The high battery cell temperature caused this error.Stop to charge the battery until the charge overheat protection unlocked.It’s strongly suggested to use the bike follow the owner’s manual.
 21 E21 00060Battery discharge low temperature error.When the battery pack discharges in very low temperature, the battery will carry out the protection function for low temperature.Stop to ride the bike until the low temperature protection unlocked.It’s strongly suggested to use the bike follow the owner’s manual.
 22 E22 00070Battery charge low temperature error.When the battery pack is charged in very low temperature, the battery will carry out the protection function for low temperature.Stop to charge the battery until the low temperature protection unlocked.It’s strongly suggested to use the bike follow the owner’s manual.
 23 E23 00080Battery discharge, MOS overheated error.It’s caused by the overheated MOS when the battery pack is discharging.Stop to ride the bike until the overheat protection unlocked.It’s strongly suggested to use the bike follow the owner’s manual.
24E2400090Battery charge, MOS overheated error.It’s caused by the overheated MOS when the battery pack is charging.Stop to charge the battery until the discharge overheat protection unlocked.It’s strongly suggested to use the bike follow the owner’s manual.
  25  E25  000A0 Soft-start circuit overheated error.If the temperature is high when use thesoft-start, will cause the discharge MOS not work, and lead the entire soft-start circuit to be overheated. Stop to ride the bike until the overheat protection unlocked.
26E26000B0Storage error.It’s caused by the faulty operation during the production.Send the bike to the nearest dealer to repair.
27E27000C0Discharge fuse failure error.Don’t have this error for STING’s battery. Just a default setting error.
28E28000D0Charge fuse failure error.Don’t have this error for STING’s battery. Just a default setting error.
  29  E29  000E0 Level 3 over current error. Short circuit in the external circuit causes this error.  Inspect and eliminate the short circuit.If you don’t have the professional tools, or you can find the short circuit, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
 30 E30 000F0Level 4 over current error.Short circuit in the external circuit causes this error. Inspect and eliminate the short circuit.If you don’t have the professional tools, or you can find the short circuit, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
31E3100100Setting error.It’s caused by any improper operations during the production.Send the bike to the nearest dealer to repair.
     32     E33     00300     Controller phase wire over current error.     Controller phase wire current is equal or greater than the protection value.1.       Turn off the bike, and switch off the circuit breaker. Then, check the whether the motor phase wire terminal got loose, or broken. And then, check whether the motor outlet phase sequence corresponds to the U / V / Won the controller. Finally, check whether the magnetic encoder output wire corresponds to the yellow, green and blue wires on the harness assy.2.         Check whether anything stuck the rear wheel.    If the solution cannot solve the error, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
     33     E34     00400     Controller busbar over current error.     Controller busbar current is equal or greater than the protection value.1.       Turn off the bike, and switch off the circuit breaker. Then, check the whether the motor phase wire terminal got loose, or broken. And then, check whether the motor outlet phase sequence corresponds to the U / V / Won the controller. Finally, check whether the magnetic encoder output wire corresponds to the yellow, green and blue wires on the harness assy.2.        Check whether anything stuck the rear wheel.    If the solution cannot solve the error, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
34E3500500Controller MOS error.Controller MOS welding loose or MOS is broken.Replace the controller assy.
 35 E36 00600 Tip-over sensor error.Tip-over sensor got a poor contact, or tip-over sensor broken.Turn off the bike, and stand the bike to be upright. Then, re-start the bike. The error will be eliminted.If the solution cannot solve the error, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
    36    E37    00700    Throttle error.  1.       Throttle connection loose.2.       The throttle didn’t return back to the proper position before start.3.     The throttle is broken.1.      Check the throtte conection is loose or broken.2.      Make sure the throttle return to the proper position before the start.3.      If the throttle connection is no problem, and throttler return to the proper position, still have the throttle error. Then, just replace a new throttle.
37E3800800Low battery protection error.When the battery is low, the low battery protection will run automatically.Charge the battery.
 38 E39 00900Over voltage protection errorWhen the voltage of the battery is equal or greater than the protection value, the over voltage protection will run automatically.Please use Talaria’s stock charger to charge the battery.If the solution cannot solve the error, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
  39  E40  00A00  Magnetic encoder error.  Magnetic encoder got a poor contact or it’s broken.1.      Check whether the magnetic encoder got a poor contact? If yes, repair it.2.      If the magnetic encoder is well contacted, it means it’s broken. Please replace a new magnetic encoder. If the solution cannot solve the error, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
    40    E41    00B00    Motor phase wire failure error.    Motor phase wire loose or incorrect connection caused the errorTurn off the bike, and switch off the circuit breaker. Then, check the whether the motor phase wire terminal got loose, or broken. And then, check whether the motor outlet phase sequence corresponds to the U / V / Won the controller. Finally, check whether the magnetic encoder output wire corresponds to the yellow, green and blue wires on the harness assy.   If the solution cannot solve the error, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
  41  E42  00C00  Motor overheat error.Long time peak power riding will cause the motor to be overheated, or motor inner temperature sensor got a poor contact, ormotor inner temperature sensor to be broken.1.      Stop riding until the motor’s temperature return to normal.2.      Check whether the magnetic encoder is loose or broken. If it’s broken, need to replace with new one.
  42  E43  00D00  Motor temperature sensor error.Long time peak power riding will cause the motor to be overheated, or motor inner temperature sensor got a poor contact, ormotor inner temperature sensor to be broken.1.      Stop riding until the motor’s temperature return to normal.2.      Check whether the magnetic encoder is loose or broken. If it’s broken, need to replace with new one.
 43 E44 00E00Controller overheat error.Long time peak power riding will cause the controller to be overheatedStop riding until the controller return to the normal temperature.If the solution cannot solve the error, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
 44 E45 00F00Controller temperature sensor error.Long time peak power riding will cause the controller to be overheated, or controller temperature sensor got a poor contact, or controller temperature sensor to be broken. Stop riding until the controller return to the normal temperature.If the solution cannot solve the error, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
45E4601000Current sensor error.Current sensor failure.Please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
     46     E47     02000    Motor lack of phase error.    1.      Circuit breaker is not switched on.2.      Motor phase wires (U/V/W) loose or incorrect connection.1.      Switch on the circuit breaker, and restart the bike.2.     Turn off the bike, and switch off the circuit breaker. Then, check the whether the motor phase wire terminal got loose, or broken. And then, check whether the motor outlet phase sequence corresponds to the U / V / Won the controller. Finally, check whether the magnetic encoder output wire corresponds to the yellow, green and blue wires on the harness assy.    If the solution cannot solve the error, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
    47    E48    03000    Motor locked-rotor protection error.  During the riding, if the rear wheel is stuck, and cannot rotate, or the motor, gearbox, brake,chain are stuck, will cause the discharge current load to be equal or greater than the protection value.Then, cause the error.1.       Turn off the bike, as well as to switch off the circuit breaker. Then, put the bike on a lifer, to check whether the rear wheel can rotate normally, if anything stuck the rear wheel, please eliminate it. And please also check whether there’re things stuck the motor, gearbox, chain and brake. If yes, please eliminate it.2.        Choose the right road condition to ride the bike.   If the solution cannot solve the error, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.
    48    E49    04000    Communication Error.   CAN communication wire loose, fall off or hardware failure.Turn off the bike, as well as to switch off the circuit breaker. Then, check the all the CAN connections on the bike to seewhether there’s the loose or breaks. (Dash connection, controller connection, battery pack communication connection. These 3 positions have CAN connections). If there’s the loose or breaks, just repair them, and re- start the bike, the error will be solved.   If the solution cannot solve the error, please send the bike to the nearest dealer to inspect and repair.

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